Amelia Jenks Bloomer

Amelia Jenks Bloomer

Amelia Jenks Bloomer.

Young Amelia Bloomer

Young Amelia Bloomer

Amelia Bloomer as a young woman.

Bloomer Costume

Bloomer Costume

Illustrations of the reform costume published in The Lily in January 1852 stirred national controversy. The style came to be named "Bloomers"—after Amelia Bloomer who had publicized it, not Elizabeth Smith Miller who had actually designed it.

Amelia Bloomer Historic Marker

Amelia Bloomer Historic Marker

This historic marker at Cayuga and Trinity Streets in Seneca Falls summarizes Amelia Bloomer's life and contributions. Its location may correspond to either of the Bloomers' downtown residences or that of the post office where Dexter and Amelia Bloomer worked; then again, its placement may have been only a matter of convenience.

Peterboro Marker

Peterboro Marker

This historical marker in Peterboro, beside the house where Elizabeth Smith Miller resided when she designed the "Bloomer costume," underscores the costume's importance to the causes of woman's rights and dress reform.

Did Amelia Live Here?

Did Amelia Live Here?

Local tradition holds that this was the Fuller house where Dexter and Amelia Bloomer lived for a few months on their arrival in Seneca Falls. This Italianate-style structure would appear to be the original structure built circa 1930. Later research suggests that another building may have stood here when the Bloomers arrived in April 1840. In any case, in 1980 this structure was listed on the National Register of Historic Places as Amelia Bloomer's residence.

Did Amelia Live Here?—Another View

Did Amelia Live Here?—Another View

Again if the National Register of Historic Places account is true, this decidedly less attractive addition was added to the house circa 1850, a decade after the Bloomers moved out. (In this image, the porch of the Italianate main section is visible at left. The main section's upper stories are obscured by the large tree.)

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